Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Sibak Chason Robinson

We will be starting off our Student Spotlight section with Sibak Chason Robinson who recently received his Jr. Black Belt. He also is featured in our News section as he was able to participate in the Inauguration ceremony in D.C., so be sure to check out that section as well. And here we go...

Name: Chason Robinson
Birthday: January 13
Age: 13
Birthplace: Los Angeles
Ethnic Origin: African American
Height: 5’5
Weight: 130
Siblings: Chelsea Robinson
Year Started @ Kaju: 2003
Current Belt Rank: Jr. Black Belt

Favorite Technique (self defense, form, sparring): Traditional 8, 1 and 3, jump back spinning kick
Favorite Junk Food: Burgers
Favorite Movie: The Dark Knight
Favorite Artist: T.I
Favorite Sports: College Football and Basketball
Favorite Sports Team: USC and Lakers
Favorite Hobby: Track
Cool Fact: I will take on any challenge u give me, even if I know I’ll lose

Ok, now lets get to it!
When did you start at Kingi’s Kajukenbo and why? I started when I was 8, and I started because I saw a Bruce Lee movie and wanted to learn how to do all the kicks he did.

Everyone knows we like to fight here, so who has been your toughest opponent in Kaju? Keyon Allen, I always end up fighting him but can never win

What do you like most about being at the school and taking Kaju? That it teaches you that every bad thing you do always has consequences

Where do you see yourself 10 years from now? With my full black belt and at Harvard Law school

What is one goal you want to accomplish as a martial artist that you have not yet? Get my full black belt

What is your greatest accomplishment as a martial artist? Getting my Jr. black belt

What school do you go to and what grade are you in? Dana Middle School - 8th

Who is your hero or most admired person? My dad

Who is your most admired martial artist? Bruce Lee

Do you plan on continuing and reaching your full adult black belt? Yes

Fun Stuff
If you were stranded on an island, what are 3 essential things you would need to survive? Money, my phone and a house

If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it? Get two more stories in my house and the extra money use it on phones, hats shoes etc.

If you had access to a time machine, where/when would you go and why? Back to the time when Martin Luther King made his I have a dream speech, because I’ve always wanted to see that in person

Name the top 3 places you would like to travel to. Africa, Hawaii, Germany

What phobias do you have? Heights

Pick one!
Coke or Pepsi? coke
Dog or Cat? dog
Chocolate or Vanilla? vanilla
Fighting or Forms? fighting

Thank you to Chason Robinson! Who is next???

1 comment:

crystel t. coleman said...

Dearest Chason,

I am honored to be the first to post a comment on this site!

Chason, I share in the pride that your mother and father have for you! Your accomplishments at the tender age of 14 are awesome!!! It is my prayer for you, that you will reach heights that you haven't even dreamed of yet; that you will be successful at everything that you lay your hand to do; that one day, you'll be followed as one of America's bright and upcoming stars just as Our President Obama was and finally and most importantly that you will choose Christ to be the center of your life.

Congratulations and God Bless,
"Auntie Crystel"